Saturday, October 11, 2008


Hello Folks,
Thursday, October 2 was a rough day for me.  On my way home from class, I passed some people on the concrete walkway by riding my bike onto the grass then back onto the concrete in order to get around them.  Well, I should have been a little more careful as I did not turn my bike back perpendicular with the sidewalk.  My thin front tire got caught in the rut between the grass and the sidewalk launching me forward off the bike onto the concrete.  Naturally I put my hand out to break my fall and protect my head from hitting the ground, and at the very moment that my hand hit the ground, a shock wave went from the bones in my wrist all the way up my arm to my elbow put my arm into an immediate state of swelling and stiffness.  My first thought was my bike.  OH CRAP!  It's going to cost a fortune to fix that.  Reluctantly, I looked at my wrist and realized that I wasn't going to be biking anymore this season.  The first photo doesn't give it justice.  It's way more black and blue following the outline of the bone.  The doctors determined it a sprain.  I got this fancy suede splint for it.  My poor bike got some scratches on the front shifter and rear de-railer.  


Shaylen said...

Ouch!! I am so sorry, that looks like it really hurt.

Unknown said...

sorry about the wrist... what sort of bike you riding?