Hello! I haven't been able to download anything to my computer lately because my hard drive is full! Can you believe it? Over 350 GB! We're working on getting an external drive. Until then, just words... Pictures to be updated soon. (Updated 11/12/12)
Sunday, October 7 - General Conference at home.
Monday, October 8 - Errands.
Tuesday, October 9 - Went on a walk with Emma and actually needed a sweater. Yay for cool weather! Speech Therapy.
Wednesday, October 10 - Grocery shopping. Nemours Orthopedic appointment for Emma. Totally forgot til the last minute and was running late to it. It was nice, though, and I loved this doctor. He was so thorough and nice to make sure all our questions and concerns were answered. He was older and like a grandpa. The best doctor’s visit. An aside, Emma loves playing with anything with wheels, especially her favorite dump truck. She calls it "a car". Love.
Thursday, October 11 - I had a doctor’s visit myself. Pretty much just a physical. I didn’t fast so I had to come back for bloodwork and urine.
Friday, October 12 - Emma ate her first apple! Also, I built this obstacle course for Emma out of our couch cushions, pillows, etc. Emma had a blast climbing. She has been climbing so much and onto everything that this seemed like the only solution: just let her climb her little heart out. (I find her in the oddest situations.) It was fun and we made a big mess in the living room. I even set up the folding picnic table on the window sill so she had a slide. Don’t try this at home! For dinner, we tried a couple new recipes, chicken cacciatore and apple pie. It was super tasty.

Saturday, October 13 - Errands.
Sunday, October 14 - Church. Took Emma to nursery.
Monday, October 15 - Starting a kidney stone study at Mayo. Picked up my jug and filled out a bunch of computer surveys.
Tuesday, October 16 - Obama-Romney debate.
Wednesday, October 17 - Took at longer walk than usual. The weather has been good so Emmy and I went down by Publix. Been thinking a lot about teaching Emma. I have been kind of lazy and feel like I should be doing more structured learning. I redid her “schedule” and think I need to give her more independent play time. I know this is just a toddler stage, but Emma is all over the place and is moving constantly. I want to work on having her sit in one place for at least 15-30 minutes. We’ll see if it works. I think I’m going to resume Signing Time after our trip to MN.
Thursday, October 18 - Collection for the study. I drank lots of water for this. Had some awesome mother-daugther moments with Emma.
Friday, October 19 - Drop-off for the study and came in for my follow-up bloodwork at the Mayo. We were in the waiting room for awhile. Emma wanted to walk a lot. I did a lot of chasing/following. Went to Avenues Mall with Emma to window shop. Used the Baby Bjorn. I haven’t used it in awhile, but it worked great! Did some sewing for Emma using an old pair of jeans. Hopefully, she’ll have a new dress soon.
Saturday, October 20 - The weather has been stellar this past week. Today was no exception. Joel, Emma and I decided to go to the beach. We got McDonald’s and watched the Air Show. Joel was so excited. It was loud and we had to cover Emma’s ears.
Sunday, October 21 - Church. Our ward had our Primary Program. Also, been thinking a lot about my church calling. I want to be able to have everything organized so when we move, the RS President has what she needs.
Monday, October 22 - Went to go see a friend's house. She wants help renovating a small portion of it and would like me to come up with some schemes. I have found it has been increasingly more difficult to work on architecture while taking care of Emma. After the visit, I said she should probably find someone else to do the drawings because I wouldn't have the time with Emma and our move coming up. I told her I would do the initial schemes still though. Obama-Romney debate.
Tuesday, October 23 - I tried to play catch-up with Visiting Teaching before the trip. I tried calling some sisters to get their reports on how our sisters are doing. At therapy, Emma didn’t say a whole lot of new things. She’s been steadily improving. Also, Joel and I have been getting ready to leave for MN. We packed some things, but of course, I had a lot to do for tomorrow.
Wednesday, October 24 - Flew into MN. Spent most of the day flying and at the airport. We got situated into the Boynosky basement. They have done great with renovating and improving their home.
Thursday, October 25 - Kris had to change the oil in the Rav. Joel, Emma and I went over to the Sebastian home and we made dinner, Chicken Cacciatore, and hung out.
Friday, October 26 - Spent some family time. I made some sugar cookies for the kids to decorate. Lindley and Brad made dinner, French Dip.
Saturday, October 27 - Memorial day for Grandma Clarice Wolhart. There was a nursery right next to the chapel at the church in MN. I took Emma there during a musical number. She was getting restless. I thought about Clarice and how many people she made an impression on. The whole church was full of old friends and family. There was a luncheon after the service and I sat across from Forrest. Afterward, we went up to the cabin to hang out. I love the cabin.
Sunday, October 28 - We went to church at Gwen’s ward. Asia and Edie were in the Primary Program. They were so cute. Went with Emma to Nursery. Traded off with Joel. After church, Emma fell asleep in the car, so we went for a drive. Joel took us by his old house. For dinner, the whole family ate chili that Kris made. It was wonderful.
Monday, October 29 - Flights to Florida were canceled. Emma asked her first question. It was directed at her cousin, “You wanna play?” Spent the night with friends over a soup dinner at their condo. Got to meet their daughter. Emma was into everything and it was hard to keep her under wraps! Too much energy, this girl.
Tuesday, October 30 - We flew home to Jacksonville. Emma licked the airplane windows. Hope she doesn’t get sick. Came in late and went to sleep.
Wednesday, October 31 - Joel took the car to work. Playing catchup with the apartment and doing lots of laundry. I did manage to bake some bosch bread. Yum! I forgot how good homemade bread is. Didn’t go out trick-or-treating this year. Emma’s too young for candy and I feel cheesy going because people know we’re just going to eat all the candy ourselves. Plus, I still feel like our apartment is a mess from our trip! Maybe next year...
Thursday, November 1 - Still more laundry. Weather has been great. Took Emma on a nice walk yesterday and today. So nice. We walked to the neighborhood by our apartment and sat in front of the fountain. We watched the ducks and Emma tried to get as close as she could to the edge of the water. I had to hold her back from toddling in. I so enjoyed this and being with her.
Friday, November 2 - Went to look at another floorplan at our future apartment complex. Started boxing up our stuff to move. Picked up some boxes from Joel’s co-worker’s friend.
Saturday, November 3 - Joel couldn’t come yesterday, so he came with me to check out some apartments with the different floorplan. Still having trouble deciding.
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