Still working on getting an external drive. I know, lame! Here are the words...and only a couple of pictures. The rest of the pictures to be updated soon.
It's official: We've picked out a floor plan and committed to moving into a new apartment! We need to sign the lease once they get it all written up, probably next week sometime. In other news, this past week I feel like we've been playing catchup a little. We've all been pretty sick. Joel and Emma have strep throat and I have all the symptoms too, but for some reason, my test came out negative, go figure. I attribute this to Emma licking the plane windows on the way home to Florida on our flight from Minnesota. (No judging here, I tried to stop her, I promise.) So, boxing up our entire apartment with a toddler goes something like this: Mommy puts one thing in a box, Emma takes three things out...It's gonna be a long week, my friends. The goal is to be all packed up by next Saturday, since the Saturday after that we're celebrating Thanksgiving with my sister and parents in Newberry.
Sunday, November 4 - Stayed home from church because we're all sick with sore throats. Emma has a runny nose, too. : ( Boo...
Monday, November 5 - Packed. 50%.
Tuesday, November 6 - Packed. Therapy with Speech and Physical Therapy. Occupational Therapy was a phone conference. I have lots to say about this, but not on this venue. Let's just say, I am frustrated with how some things are going right now with therapy and want the best for Emma. I wished that professionals would do their jobs with pride for the right reasons and be good, honest people.
Wednesday, November 7 - Packed. Making good headway, probably 75% there. Good news? Went on a walk but it was kinda cool outside so I had to put Emma in a hoodie. Thanks Aunt Hayley for your girls' old clothes!
Thursday, November 8 - We all went to get checked out. I dropped off Joel at work, started driving home, got there just in time to hear that Joel was able to get an appointment for us at the Mayo right then, went back to the Mayo to go to see Dr. Hedges. Joel got an appointment after me and saw Dr. Murray. Then we left and I took Emma to her doctor at the Beaches. She has an ear infection too, so she needs antibiotics. Then I drove back home to feed Emma and have her nap. Then I drove back to the Mayo for scheduled bloodwork for me. Then We found out Joel's throat swap came out positive for strep. His office kicked him out and told him to stay home. Then I swung back by Dr. Hedges' office because she didn't do a throat swap or prescribe me antibiotics, but Dr. Murray did for Joel. Then Dr. Hedges did a throat swap for me to see if I had strep. Then we all piled in the car and went to pick up our meds at the Mayo pharmacy and Publix (free Amoxicillin). Phew! What's for dinner?
Friday, November 9 - Joel and Emma were feeling badly, especially Joel. He stayed home because Mayo wants him on meds for 24 hours before going back to work. Emma is just the best sick kid around. She's being a real trooper and has a much better attitude about it than mom and dad! I had a Relief Society VT meeting that I went to. Feeling much better so I packed some more. We called all the peeps: Comcast, JEA power, U-haul, Appliance Warehouse, and need to remember to forward our mail... Had to catch Emma in the middle of chewing her food. She was so cute at meal time crossing her arms ready for a blessing on her food. (She's really good at home now getting ready for prayers. She doesn't keep her arms folded the whole time and I have never seen her closing her eyes, but we're making progress in the reverence department.)
Saturday, November 10 - Missed Stake Conference. We all felt terribly sick coughing, sore throats, and Emma hates her medicine. Bummed it at home. I thought I was getting better or was already there, but boy was I wrong. Soooo tired. Nevertheless, we packed a little more since we were home anyways. Maybe 90% there. All we have left are clothes and items that we are still using. Living room, kitchen (75%), bathroom, office and bedroom are done! I hate moving and hope we don't move for a while. Still having insomnia...
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