Milestones: is starting to cruise in the last week. Has 3 teeth! (AND one on the way...) Can't sit down from standing yet and will whine until I get him or he plops down to the ground from exhaustion and desperation. It's sad, really...and a little funny. Mostly, sad/cute. :/
Parenting David: He doesn't like being alone and has been super needy this past month because of his teething. His teething seems to be way worse than Emma's was, but my perspective could just be skewed because David has almost always been a happy baby so this has thrown me for a loop.
He scratches his elbow creases and back of his neck. He rubs his ankles together and his toenails scratch the creases around his ankles.
He smiles so big when we call him, "Budzi! Budza Budza!" I am worried he doesn't recognize his formal name anymore.
He is so cute and will try to gnaw on things, like the back of Emma's shirt when she's standing there doing something. She really is annoyed by it, but it is so cute.
He sometimes says "da-da" when Joel changes his diaper in the morning.
He gets red splotches all over his face when he eats. I think it's a reaction so far to anything that is not a single jar food. I am not sure if it is eczema flair up from teething and saliva or if it is a food allergy. It goes away mostly after a few hours. The redness by the sides of his mouth and on other parts of his face are fairly permanent. Update: 03/19/14 The doctor thinks the red rashes on his face are due to a food allergy to introducing grains/wheat too early. She said to hold off until he's one.
He likes chewing on everything! He especially likes hard plastic toys, my hair bands, and wooden blocks.
He doesn't like to sit on our laps for very long.
He doesn't like to stay still for diaper changes.
He wants me to hold him once 3pm hits until about 6pm right before Joel gets home and he's happy again, of course.
He loves baths.
He loves the sound of the metal trains or hard plastic against our slate coffee table, bathtub, or tile.
He likes shaking noisy toys.
He's a slobber-holic.
Walked in and found them like this. How does she do that? (That's the equivalent of climbing up onto something that is shoulder height.) |
We're really cruising now. |
I think it is so cute that David pushes little cars and trains around like Emma. He's so young, but tries to do everything Emma does. |
Love seeing this smile with the teeth. |
11 Months (Adjusted age: 8.5 months) - 03/27/14
Weight: 21 lbs 6 oz, 62.48%
Length: -
Clothes: 12-18 month clothes, 12 month pants and 18 month onesies/outfits
Feeding: 6 oz, every 4 hours, eats solids and equal amounts of table foods 3-5 times a day (beginning to hate pureed food and wants only what we're having). We reintroduced grains and he hasn't had any reactions or rashes since. I shouldn't have, but I introduced eggs to David a little early during Easter time. He likes Cheerios for snacks and is getting interested in cups.
Sleeping: goes down at 7:30pm, SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT, awake at 6 or 7am; occasionally he wakes at 5am but if he does, we just feed him and then he sleeps tip 7:30am, takes 1-2 naps - 10am, (2 or 3pm which he needs but hates to take), (and rarely 4pm).
Milestones: is cruising along everything and even the wall now, has taken 7 steps in a row without holding on to anything, can stand for a few minutes not holding anything. Has 6 teeth! (AND molars on the way…), we actually had a lovely 2-3 week break from any teething symptoms but they started back up again on 04/20/14, can say "mu mu mu mu" and "da da"
Parenting David: He is very independent and will play for hours with Emma also. On the other hand, he requires more focused attention more often, sometimes just a quick hello or kiss from me will suffice. He holds on to everything and follows Emma everywhere. He wants to do everything she does. He is starting to be more vocal. The last two Sundays in Sacrament Meeting, we have had to take him out because he is getting loud. He loves playing cars and trains with Emma and will roll them on the floor like a toddler. Sometimes, I forget he is only 11 months old because he keeps up with Emma so well. He doesn't sit going down slides yet. His feet are too fat for most shoes, and we haven't found a pair for him yet. His neck is still too fat to button his church shirts all the way to the top (so he doesn't wear ties). We need to get him his first haircut, too, because his hair is so long and wispy. It points towards his face. He is so sweet-natured and he will just noozle his face against your neck. Because of all the teething, this last week David has been biting us. I think this will go away. In the meantime, he has lots of chew toys--a lion, a colorful fabric ring, hairbands, and a new giraffe--he just doesn't know he is not supposed to bite us! We had to start brushing his teeth, too. This kid loves baths and if he sees me starting one, he just jumps right in. Phrases Joel keeps saying about him lately are, "He is just so perfect." "I just want to eat him up." "He is just so cute!" We both can barely hold him down to change his diaper. He is on the move.

This year in David's Easter basket, he received a teething giraffe lovey, eggs, and trains. |
Still haven't ever cut his hair at this point. He needs a haircut. |
At the church easter egg hunt/potluck. |
"The Crew" - Jjeds and Whipples (Minus Tom and Jacob) |
Tia and Elmo. |
Beach bum. |
Getting tired. |
"Mom, I think something's on my windshield." |
That's how they roll. |
Weird panorama from the back seat on the way to the Ft. Lauderdale Temple open house. |
David's thrilled to be at the temple. |
Hollywood Beach. |
Bed head. |
Love those four teeth! |
First time at the pool. |
David's bear impression. |
Alright! AND done! If you made it this far, I commend you on your stamina. ;)